Monday 28 January 2013

A change of plan...

Well, another steady week of training under the proverbial belt. Clocked up 11 hours, 23 minutes and 20 seconds, covering 117km and burning 6,899 kCalories. Must say, I'm feeling good for it and I'm itching to exercise again - today is a strict rest day.

Looking at the training plan I've been on to date has left me wondering whether it is the best plan for me. Whilst I have come through the base training unscathed there are a couple of questionable training days coming up where the volume ramps up incredibly quickly.

Now, I'm not averse to hard work (as you've probably gathered if you've been reading the training blog) but sometimes you have to stop and take stock of where you are and see whether this will help or hinder you on your way to your end goal.

I've decided to follow a more well known (and respected plan) by Fink that a few of the other members in the club are currently following. I don't think there are drastic changes between this and my previous plan but I feel more confident that the increase in training volume has been more carefully tailored for someone at my level.

With this in mind my new training plan looks something like this:

morning sessions

evening sessions

Monday: rest day

Tuesday: run (45 mins + stretches); swimming (1 hour) drills

Wednesday: bike (45 mins + stretches); run (1 hour) + stretches

Thursday: body weights / conditioning (1 hour); bike (1+ hour) + stretches

Fridayrun (45 mins) + stretches; swimming (1+ hour) endurance

Saturday: long run (2 hours) + stretches 

Sunday: long bike (2.5+ hours) + stretches

This should give me approximately 12.5 hours training per week as I build through the plan. As summer comes and the days grow longer, the Saturday and Sunday sessions will get bigger too - probably up to 15 hours a week. I think I'll put the social life on hold for a few months!!!

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